Saturday, May 30, 2020

The Daniel Scocco Approach to Setting Job Search Goals

The Daniel Scocco Approach to Setting Job Search Goals 2 Is your job search taking longer than you expected? Or do you just want to start out in the right direction? Let Master Blogger Daniel Scocco‘s universal goal-setting tips guide you. Why is having goals important? Let's say you and I both need groceries. We go to the same supermarket but you actually have a list of items to buy and only 90 minutes before you need to be elsewhere. Who is more likely to finish first, with the desired purchases in hand? Are goals and objectives the same? Most job seekers usually say the same thing about goals- “my goal is simple: to find a job”.eval Well, yes and no. I like to distinguish between your job search objective â€" a position which you might put directly on your resume â€" and job search goals such as better pay.eval 3 Qualities of Good Goals In his article Blogging Strategy: Goals, Daniel explains how… Goals must be measurable For this to happen, a goal must have a number attached to it so that you always know immediately whether you've reached it or not. Some sample job search goals: 4 weeks of vacation 10% increase in salary from last job New work found in less than 6 months Isabella Mori's 3 Key Resume Questions also has some good numbers to use on your job search. Goals must be consistent Your goals should be attainable together without any contradictions, which increases the chance of you being able to achieve all of them. Otherwise, when faced with a job opportunity you'll always have the feeling that you're settling for less than you should. If being paid a standard hourly rate is normal for you, will it help to dream of a 50% pay raise while only working half time? Goals should be realistic I like what Daniel says here: “Goals must be realistic and achievable, otherwise they will discourage rather than motivate you. Do not worry about stretching it a little bit, just make sure that you are not overshooting.” In 2006, the average job search in France lasted 6-9 months. In that situation, you'd better have a really good reason for believing you can find a new job in as little as 1-2 months. Bonus â€" Don't confuse goals with requirements When I first moved to France in 1999 after completing my Israeli army service, one of my goals was to find a job that would allow me to leave early on Fridays and not work on Saturdays or Jewish holidays. At least, that's what I told myself at the time. The fact is, I could never have accepted a position that would have needed me to do those things. Another example. If your previous income could barely support your lifestyle, accepting a job with a lower salary is not an option since it will put you in stressful debt. You may tell yourself that it's temporary but if that's the case, why not ‘temporarily' wait a little bit longer for a better job opening that will pay you enough? Moral of the story: Goals can be given up, requirements cannot. Want to be a goal scorer?

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Do you have what you need to thrive

Do you have what you need to thrive We want to enhance the value we bring to you and the people organizations you care about. We will do this by targeting our blogs based on the spirit of our “Why”  and our knowledge of your needs. Our goal is to “connect”  you with brilliant resources and writers as well as our resources. You can expect to see leading edge ideas, opportunities and trends that are impacting your career, work, leisure and life. We hope this will allow you to tap into your wisdom, enhance your confidence, make you change-ready and enable you to successfully navigate your career and life success options. Subscribe here to receive a weekly email with a brief summary of a key resource or concept. The weekly email will link to this blog for extended text and video information you may want to pursue. Please give me your feedback after you see a few examples starting tomorrow. -Jim Dryburgh

Saturday, May 23, 2020

A Guide to Mapping Out Your Future Career

A Guide to Mapping Out Your Future Career The future is unknown. At least, thats what we think. The future is also unpredictable and you never know what is going to happen, but wouldnt it be great to have a direction and be able to physically see what you want to make from your life? Planning your future and your career can be long and complicated and sometimes you just dont know where to start. However, if you aim to map your future correctly, things will start to become more simple, clear and promising. Here are some tips from  Slideshop on how to map your future which will hopefully lead you along the right path! 1. Career, development and process. Decide, explore and assess. 2. What drives you? Create a self awareness mind map to show your strengths, weaknesses and skills. 3. Career options? Research, look and check. 4. Which career fits you? Consider personality, skill and competition. 5. How will you get there? Identify skills, sources and companies. 6. Write your career plans! Write down goals, actions, commitments and progress. 7. Accomplish your plans. Check your progress and be flexible. 8. Remember: Dreams dont work unless you do. Check the tips out in more detail here:

Monday, May 18, 2020

8 Ways to Amp Up Your Wardrobe For The Workplace - Classy Career Girl

8 Ways to Amp Up Your Wardrobe For The Workplace It’s that time of the year again when summer is in the air, and something about summer makes us all want to wear our ambition. Rather than being just dreamers, we want to be the executors we always dreamed of being. Nevertheless, now may be the perfect time to remind yourself of those goals you set for yourself at the start of the year. Whether it’s trying to lose a bit of that cellulite or scoring that flawless skin to flaunt your best self at work, all it requires is a little bit of effort. Moreover, since most of us spend most of our time at our workplace. It only seems perfect to start our wardrobe transformation with the clothes we wear to work. Here we will tell you about how to incorporate some cute and chic outfits in your wardrobe and move on from the strict formals. It’s not that much work, really! So just read on and get started on transforming your work look. It’s about time you made going to work more coveted and stylish! Here are some easy tips on how to amp up your office look. 8 Ways to Amp Up Your Wardrobe For The Workplace 1. Replace Your Trousers with Knee Length Skirts It is a misconception to think that only tailor fit trousers are an appropriate office ensemble. Think again, because the air of professionalism and formality is not only restricted to well-fitted trousers. Formal dresses and well-fitted skirts can also give you the much-needed infusion of feminineness you need at your workplace. Therefore, it’s about time you revamped your wardrobe a bit and traded your pants for knee-length skirts. Pair them with georgette, cotton and crepe blouses, and you’re ready to go! 2. Play Around with Fragrances Sure, you may have that one particular fragrance that you think defines you. However, playing around a little bit with the way you smell and changing your fragrance can be like taking on a whole different personality. If you’ve been doing floral or fruity all this time, consider moving to a more musky and woody scent. And in a matter of seconds, you’ll feel like an entirely different person. 3. Portray Confidence with Bolder Eyes When it comes to the eyes, your eyes may be the window to your soul. Your eyes are that one thing that portrays charm, control, and confidence. So it’s about time you start letting your eyes do the talking. If you usually go with a black eye pencil, it’s time you tried something different. Greens and light browns can liven up the dullest eyes on the most tiring days. You can even go for dark shades of blue to perk up those eyes. Moreover, to add some extra drama to your eyes and to make them look more open and bigger, a white eyeliner can also do the trick. Nevertheless, you can even play around with your eyewear to change your overall look. Nerdy frames or a sleek pair of cat eye glasses could be all you need to go from just decent enough to fabulous! [RELATED: 7 Time-Saving Hacks For Your Makeup Routine] 4. Keep The Jewelry Minimal yet Classic Accessorizing is a work of art. However, you can’t always put your best boho foot forward when you are going to work â€" because that’s just not how it works and there are certain workplace norms you need to conform to. Therefore, keep it as chic as possible. There’s nothing that defines class quite like diamonds do. To add some sparkle to your look, throw on a bit of diamond jewelry. A pair of diamond studs or a classic diamond ring is all you need to look stylish yet sophisticated at work. Moreover, go for more urban and unique designs in jewelry. 5. It’s Time to Invest in a New Lip Color It’s time to say hello to your new lip color because lipsticks are a working woman’s best friend. If you’re wearing the right shade of lipstick, it can make your formal wear look even sharper. To be on the safer side, many of us prefer sticking to the more commonplace shades of corals, nudes, and rose. However, by simply opting for a bolder shade of lipstick, you can dramatically change the way you look. Contrary to popular belief, it’s not always overwhelming to wear darker shades of lipstick such as browns and reds. Nevertheless, it can actually enhance your features and lend a glow to your face. So step out of your comfort zone and brighten up that pout! 6. It’s Time to Ditch The Traditional Manicure French manicured nails are often considered as an office staple. However, there’s no harm in trying something a little different and having some fun with your nails. It may be illegal to wear a flashy top to work, but you can always make your nails stand out with some subdued and pretty nail art. 7. Tie Your Hair Up in a Sleek Ponytail Embrace sleek ponytails because the sleeker, the better! Your hairstyle can make a massive difference to the way you look at work. Bid farewell to those boring buns and go for a sleek ponytail instead. It’s one of the most incredible ways to look fresh and youthful while keeping your hair in place. 8. Invest in Skincare Products We’re almost about to enter the latter half of the year and summer is just around the corner. It becomes all the more necessary to take good care of your skin during the summers. Replenish and rejuvenate your skin. Instead of trying a hundred different things on your skin, invest in good skincare products. Pick a reliable product that retains the natural glow of your skin while letting it breathe. Healthy skin has the power to herald a new you and make you look radiant. Also, don’t forget to exercise regularly and eat healthy either for that perfect glow.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Writing a Theatre Resume That Makes a Good Impression

Writing a Theatre Resume That Makes a Good ImpressionIf you are in the theatre industry and want to make a career change, you'll need to begin preparing a theatre resume. No matter what your specific theatre skills are, if you don't have one, you will be a better candidate for this new career. However, this won't be the case unless you create a resume that makes a good impression on your potential employers.It is critical that you identify who you want to be when you are presenting yourself to a potential employer. This is an important step because it is not always obvious what is on your resume. Often, the different forms of theatre programs you are related to are covered by your work history. However, other skills and preferences might not be.The number one mistake that people make when writing a theatre resumes is that they never do this. They never identify the skills and knowledge that they would like to use for their prospective employer. The majority of resumes that are writte n for an artist with no experience in theatre are filled with general information.However, there is no sense in laying out a distinct style of performing arts if you are simply trying to get a job. Even the most experienced, the greatest performer can become discouraged after years of waiting for the next project to come along. Even the best person to present a resume to a theatre employer won't be qualified to make a living as a theatre worker unless it is not simply a cover letter.There are many different ways that you can prepare a theatre resume. You can write one from scratch or you can use one of the free templates that are available. The free templates are generally more suited to older, less formal applications than the highly professional designs that are created to match corporate requirements.The paid templates offer an abundance of personalized options. Your ability to customize the templates will allow you to keep them current. One of the key elements of a theatre resum e is that it is functional, yet can also represent the individual.Many of these templates will provide you with all of the necessary information about you that is required to know about your theatre industry. However, the main point of this document is to attract potential employers to read about your background and talents. So, that information must be written in a way that is unique to you.In order to be successful in your theatre career, you will need to use unique writing style and vocabulary. The theatre resume is a writing tool that offers a unique voice for each individual in the field. If you can't write a resume that is compelling enough, you might find yourself discouraged as you continue your search for employment.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Anger management - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog

Anger management - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog Theres a new series on TV2 about anger management. It turns out that in most cases where we danes are hopping mad inside, we try hard to maintain a calm exterior. Which got me thinking: Might this also be going on at work..? The most interesting part of the show is danes being secretly filmed while theyre provoked to anger. In one case its a fake taxi driver who stops in the middle of the ride (with the meter running) to get himself a hotdog. In another case its a fake stress experiment, where the experiment leader deliberately insults and provokes the subjects. Lashing out when youre angry, is not socially acceptable in Denmark, and in almost every case, the subjects were extremely good at controlling themselves. One subject sat patiently in the taxi for 20 minutes, while the fake taxi driver had lunch in the car. All interesting stuff, and really, really painful to watch. They also showed anger management ala Carl-Mar M?ller, with subjects pounding on a junked car with an axe, or being held down forcibly on a mattress while having mud smeared on their faces and being hosed with water. Somehow, I dont think thats god for you. And then I got to thinking about anger at work. What the subjects went through in the TV show, is probably no worse than what you and I regularly experience at work. The workplace contains many situations where people can get just as angry. And whats more, the workplace is an environment where much more is at stake, and where the pressure to appear calm and rational is much higher than the situations on the TV show. So: Do we get mad at work? Certainly! Do we have good, productive ways of expressing that anger? Not always! Which brings me to the only flaw that I found in the show: Towards the end the presenter (a psychologist), said that in the cases where the anger is caused by events in the past, it was necessary to go back to those events to solve the problems. This could be accomplished eg. through ordinary therapy or hypnosis. And this is where I disagree. As reasoned in the book Change, it is often possible to solve peoples problems without going back to a hypothetical root cause, for instance a childhood trauma. I think this is a better way, and that in many cases it will solve the problem faster and more effectively. I would argue that we really need a cultural shift, that makes it more permissible to show emotions. It could go somehting like this: Step one is to accept your own emotions. If youre angry, be angry. Trying to fight an emotion, only makes that emotion more powerful. Secondly, find a productive way of expressing that emotion. Even if youre really angry and may want to, is it a good idea to hit the person thats made you angry? Typically no. So find a form of expression that honours your emotion, while also improving the current situation. And finally, make room for others to show their emotions. The typical reaction to somebody showing strong emotions, is to ignore that person. Many of us need to learn to deal with others emotions, and to acknowledge the people around us, even when theyre hopping mad. These three steps could actually lead to a situation where people become angry less often. If you know that youre allowed to show your anger, it is easier to deal with the anger. Conversely, if youre angry, and have no socially acceptable way of showing it, so that you feel trapped, you will probably become even angrier. Thanks for visiting my blog. If you're new here, you should check out this list of my 10 most popular articles. And if you want more great tips and ideas you should check out our newsletter about happiness at work. It's great and it's free :-)Share this:LinkedInFacebookTwitterRedditPinterest Related

Friday, May 8, 2020

Toy store - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog

Toy store - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog I have a hankering to spend some money at the Trainers Warehouse. I mean, who couldnt use: A whiteboard on a stick Real gameshow buzzers A Cat-a-pult game A set of boom wackers Man, I could have some fun with some of that stuff :o) Thanks for visiting my blog. If you're new here, you should check out this list of my 10 most popular articles. And if you want more great tips and ideas you should check out our newsletter about happiness at work. It's great and it's free :-)Share this:LinkedInFacebookTwitterRedditPinterest Related